In 2023, 222 boys and girls from 1st to 3rd grade of basic education are already benefiting from the tutoring provided by 74 higher grade students, who in 14 educational centers receive support from Fundación Agrolíbano and Fundación Terra through their programs “Support for the Development of Children and Adolescents in the School Environment” (ADINAE) […]
Information for the empowerment of children and youth
In coordination with educational centers and community leaders, the Joven Salud platform has been promoted, reaching 825 students (460 women and 365 men) in the 3rd cycle in 8 CEB and alternative education centers; this platform allows professional support and training for children, adolescents and young people between 10 and 24 years old, facilitates training […]
Leaders are trained in project profile
Members of community-based structures participated in 6 training days in the same number of communities. A total of 92 leaders (70 women and 22 men) took on the challenge of being trained in “Project profiling” to contribute to the management of projects proposed in the Comprehensive Community Development Plans (PDIC) of their communities with the […]