Multidimensional Poverty Index MPI
Wise Responder brings the internationally recognized “Multidimensional Poverty Index” (MPI) methodology, developed by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI), to financial institutions, investors, and businesses.
OPHI created the MPI methodology to measure multidimensional poverty. Traditionally, countries have defined poverty as a lack of money. However, those experiencing poverty view it much more broadly. A poor person can suffer multiple deprivations simultaneously. Focusing on a single factor, such as income, is insufficient to capture the true reality of poverty and its effects on those affected by it.
Multidimensional poverty measurements can be used to create a more comprehensive picture, revealing who is poor and how they are poor. The MPI methodology is used to construct the global MPI and has been adapted by various countries to create national MPIs. The global MPI is an international measure of acute multidimensional poverty covering over 100 developing countries. This measure was developed by OPHI with the UNDP in 2010 and has been published annually by OPHI and in Human Development Reports since then. National MPIs are developed and calculated locally by each country and can be tailored to the specific context and needs of the country.
For more information, please visit Wise Responder Methodology click here.
In 2018, the Agrolíbano Foundation conducted a Multidimensional Poverty Index
Study in 18 communities, based on 5 dimensions and 15 deprivations.

Education 20%
School Attendance (1/3) Years of Schooling(1/3) Illiteracy (1/3)

Health 20%
Infant Mortality (1/3) Child Malnutrition(1/3) Access to water and basic sanitation(1/3)

Employment 20%
Underemployment(1/3) Unemployment (1/3) Child labor(1/3)

Standar of Living- Housing 20%
Material, roof, Floor, and Walls(1/3) Access to electrical power (1/3) Fuel to cook (1/3)

Asset Base 20%
Home Ownership (1/3) Overcrowding (1/3) Transportation and Communication Assets (1/3)
The community MPI revealed a poverty incidence of 89% and an intensity of 48%, resulting in an MPI of 0.43.
Multidimensional Poverty | MPI:0.43

Understanding the challenges and in response to the population’s vulnerability, we designed the following programs:

First Steps- Comprehensive Care for Early Childhood
HF- Healthy Families

Thriving in School
Education for All

Standard of Living
Leaders in Action
Through the actions taken to date, we have successfully reduced the global malnutrition rate from 14.7% to 4.3%:

The PAIPI program helps reduce the deprivations of multidimensional poverty: child malnutrition, infant mortality, and lack of access to early education.
We have improved housing conditions in 1,835 households:
Healthy Family helps reduce the deprivations of multidimensional poverty by providing access to drinking water and basic sanitation, improved housing conditions, access to electricity, stoves with chimneys, and food and nutrition security.

We have improved school enrollment in the first and second cycles of basic education:

The “Together for Education” program helps reduce the deprivations of multidimensional poverty by improving school enrollment and years of schooling.
We have increased years of schooling through alternative education programs and reduced illiteracy:

The “Education for All” program helps reduce the deprivations of multidimensional poverty by addressing illiteracy and increasing years of schooling.