Second School Health Day

With a second survey of anthropometric measurements, the nutritional status of more than 2,100 boys and girls, pre-school and primary school students in 14 educational centers is assessed, in order to identify risk situations and define actions with the involvement of the family to promote the development and well-being of children and their academic performance.
This activity is carried out twice a year, serving pre-school children with the Comprehensive Care for Early Childhood program and primary school students with the Comprehensive Support for the Development of Children and Adolescents in the School Environment program, both implemented by Fundación Agrolíbano with the support of volunteer staff and the educational community, thus contributing to SDGs #2, #3, #4 and #17 by preventing child malnutrition, promoting the well-being and care of childhood development, contributing to inclusive, equitable and quality education and promoting learning opportunities in alliances with multiple stakeholders.