School gardens in 5 educational centers

In partnership with the National Program for Sustainable Rural and Urban Development (PRONADERS), attached to the Secretariat of Agriculture and Livestock (SAG) and the Departmental Directorate of Education of Valle, school gardens with mesh houses are being implemented in 5 public educational centers in the municipality of Nacaome, which are served by Fundación Agrolíbano through its program Support for the Comprehensive Development of Children and Adolescents in the School Environment (ADINAE). This alliance has the common objective of improving the conditions for food security and nutrition of more than 800 students, with the production of healthy foods that will be incorporated into the school snack.
The educational centers benefit from the installation of mesh houses, the provision of green label tools and supplies, and technical assistance to strengthen the capacities of teachers, parents and students. With the use of this environmentally friendly and sustainable technology, crop conditions are significantly improved, protecting them from inclement weather (excessive sun, wind and heat), better maintaining soil moisture by reducing evaporation and reducing damage caused by pests, weeds, birds and other predators, thus achieving better harvests, saving irrigation water, in addition to protecting those who carry out farming tasks from the sun. This encourages students to engage responsibly with nature, promoting environmental sustainability and contributing to SDG targets 2, 3, 4, 12, 15 and 17.