Construction and Repair Project for the 12th of October Basic Education Center, Nacaome Valle

One of the strategies of the Program to Support the Comprehensive Development of Children and Adolescents in the School Environment (ADINAE) contributes to the improvement of school infrastructure.
Thus, with funding from the Embassy of Japan, the Municipal Mayor’s Office of Nacaome and the Agrolíbano Foundation, and the active participation of the educational community, the implementation of the infrastructure improvement project of the CEB 12 de Octubre has begun, based on the regulations established by the Ministry of Education, to build a module of 3 classrooms and a module of 6 toilets (bathrooms), rebuild 4 classrooms, and repair the perimeter fence and the entrance gate. With the implementation of these improvements, students will have access to safe, inclusive and effective learning spaces for their comprehensive development, thus contributing to the fulfillment of SDGs #4 and #17 by doing so in public-private partnerships that optimize the experience and resources of all the actors involved.