Agrolíbano promotes analysis of progress towards sustainable community development in the communities of Chilcal – Chilamatada

On November 8, Agrolíbano, through its Foundation, continued the cycle of community sessions to analyze progress towards sustainable community development in the communities neighboring the melon farms: Chilcal and Chilamatada, communities in the municipality of Nacaome, with 25 people as participants representing community-based organizations, such as the board of trustees, water board, rural fund, parents’ association, student government, etc., as well as community volunteers, authorities and teaching staff, among others.

The participants took a chronological tour, with participatory and playful methodologies, identifying key factors in their background, the current situation based on their capabilities and deprivations linked to multidimensional poverty, and where they are going according to the approaches they have detailed in their community development plans, the strategies for their management and the strengths and challenges of their organizations. This activity contributes to the goals of SDGs 1, 5, 10, 12, 16 and 17.